Saturday, 7 September 2013

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Pandemonium in Indonesia as Muslim Women Protests Against The Miss World Pageant

The 2013 Miss World pageant is scheduled to hold at the Sentul International
Convention Center in Jakarta, Indonesia on Saturday September 28th..but it
won't hold if the Muslim women in the country have their way.
For days now, members of an Islamic group called Hizbut Tahrir have been
protesting against the pageant in Jakarta. Yesterday, they converge outside
the office of the local organizer of the beauty contest, MNC media group,
warning them not to stage the pageant in the city.
Other cities are also holding protests, demanding that the permit to hold Miss
World pageant in their country be revoked, saying that the pageant runs
against their culture.
MNC Group and Miss World Organization say it's too late to find a new
location but promised that contestants would not be allowed to wear bikini at
the event.
Same thing happened in Nigeria in 2002.

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