Monday, 28 October 2013

Wizkid Smokíng A Joint With His Girlfriend Omotani? [SEE PHOTO]

Wizkid shared this picture few minutes ago which looks like he is
having a joint time with the love of his life, Omotani. Wizkid now has
a habit of showing of his joint the latest proof is his Jaiye Jaiye
video ft Femi kuti… What do you think about Wizkid’s new habit?

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  1. I think wizkid is close to his death/ destruction

  2. Itz nice and cute,I like it.

  3. Na u want kill am abi?.....don't wish any1 wat u don't wish urself.

  4. U r closer to ur death than he is! Olorun ma je!

  5. Y d beef,d guy is in love and is having d most amazing time of his life and u are saying he is close to his death,dude u must be high,he not complaining neither should u.


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