Monday, 28 October 2013

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Future Proposes to Ciara with 15-carat Diamond Ring [FULL GIST]

 It was a day of joy for the 28-year-old singer and dancer Ciara as she got a double birthday present on Friday October 25th in New York when her beau Future proposed to her with a 15-carat Diamond ring. Ciara was so happy and her only answer was yes! Yes and yes! To the proposal. Their wedding date will soon be announced according to their publicist Chris Chambers. “Today has to be like one of the sweetest days of my life! #thebestbirthdayever.” Ciara tweeted. She later followed it up writing “if I’m dreaming I don’t want to wake up! Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!” Future also expressed his happiness saying they both love to be around each other and the chemistry is just there. That’s what makes him happy. We say congratulations to Ciara, that’s one less single celebrity in the industry.

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