Saturday, 26 October 2013

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Having A Child Changed Me- Terry G [SEE PHOTO]

Terry G spoke about how his little son has made him change;
“Having a kid has a lot to do with my change of character. Sometimes you
see life in a different way. You perceive it in another way another time. When
I had a kid, I saw so much value in my life and the future. I became humbled
and developed the mindset that anything that has to do with my future must
automatically involve my son as well. I started changing a lot of things and it
actually scared a lot of negative friends from me. It helped me resolve and
re-organise myself again. In the past,  some children appeared scared to
come close to me, but all that has changed. Fatherhood has been awesome,
amazing and a miracle to me. My son is my replica.”

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